Healthy Eating Tips for the Christmas Season

Healthy Eating Tips for the Christmas Season

 by Cherice Bronte-Tinkew & Alecia Surujlal, Registered Dietitians   There is nothing like a true Trini Christmas… ham, turkey, black cake, pastelle, ginger beer, sorrel…and the list goes on. So how can ‘healthy eating’ be part of these activities? Here are some tips to help you navigate through your seasonal festivities. Remember we don’t want […]

Prebiotics and Probiotics

Prebiotics and Probiotics

Prebiotics and Probiotics  by Cherice Bronte-Tinkew Registered Dietitian (RD) You may have heard it on the radio or television or read it on a new and improved product. Is it a superfood? Is it something my body needs? What are prebiotics and probiotics? Prebiotics are compounds found in foods which help the growth and activity […]