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Full Name

Judson Krosney M.D.


I am a clinical emergency physician who has more than a decade of experience working in the trenches of emergency departments across the United States. I have participated in medical outreach in the broad span from the South Pacific Islands to the mountains of South America. I started my career in college as an outreach worker for the AIDS Foundation of San Diego. I served the citizens of New York City on 9/11/2001 working at Beth Israel Medical Center in lower Manhattan in New York City. I started an emergency medicine education company, Docstar Educational, to help teach emergency physicians to pass the oral boards. I continue to practice and teach emergency medicine. My new goals are directed towards technology in medicine and it’s blockchain applications in medical records.

Profile Title

Emergency Physician


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Judson Krosney M.D.

Profile picture of Judson Krosney M.D.


Active 5 years, 3 months ago