If a school notifies a parent of their child’s risk for suicide, parents must: Follow instructions and take the child for assessment immediately. Continue to take threats seriously, follow through even after the child calms down or informs the parent “they didn’t mean it”. Access school support through the school social worker. Maintain communication with […]
Health Category: Mental Health Tips
Mental health
Mental Health much more than Mental Illness
Many people, when they hear about mental health think about mental illness. But mental health is much more than the absence of mental illness. It is important to remember that there are many degrees of mental illness and nobody has all the features of good mental health all the time.
Don’t be afraid to talk about our mental health
Don’t be afraid to talk about our mental health, here’s why: Hiding mental health problems can make things worse 1 in 4 of us experience a mental health problem It is okay to not feel okay Talking about mental health shows great courage There is nothing to be ashamed of
What is SELF-CARE?
Acceptance Awareness Kindness Choices Attention Priorities Being part of a community Slow Down Support Pleasure Nourish body & soul Curiosity & exploration
Help is everywhere
If you want to find out more about your problems and the type of support available, there are a number of helpful websites which give lots of useful information, such as the World Health Organization/Pan American Health Organization website. The World Health Organization is committed to reducing the suffering caused by mental health difficulties. They […]
Practicing relaxation techniques
Practicing relaxation techniques can reduce stress by slowing your heart rate, lowering blood pressure, increasing blood flow, reducing muscle tension, improving concentration and mood, reducing anger and frustration, boosting confidence
Violence and Depression
Experiencing and/or witnessing violence can negatively impact a person’s mental health. Violence can affect anyone. Support those experiencing violence by listening and linking them to help.
Post-partum Depression: What you should know
Wondering why your new baby is not making you happy? Having a baby is a major life event and can cause worry, tiredness and sadness. Usually these feelings don’t last long, but if they persist you may be suffering from depression. Depression after childbirth can be treated with professional help.
Depression: What you should know
Depression is an illness characterized by persistent sadness and a loss of interest in activities that you normally enjoy, accompanied by an inability to carry out daily activities, for at least two weeks People with depression normally have several of the following: loss of energy, change in appetite, sleeping more or less, anxiety, reduced concentration, […]